Thursday, September 24, 2009

KFC Canada

KFC has finally responded to years of protests against their practices in killing chickens. On July 1st, they began offering an "un-chicken" vegan sandwich in 500 of their 750 outlets in CANADA. So far no buckets or snack packs will be offered...but this is a start. At this time there are no known plans to implement the same change in the US outlets.
In addition to offering the un-chicken sandwich, the Ontario-based outlet will also change its slaughter practices to more humane methods. I have one comment and two (three) questions.
Comment: Awesome! Way to go! About time! Good for you!
Question: Why can't the U.S. - owned companies make this change? Could it have something to do with saving money? Profits before everything, of course.
Question: you can start working on cutting out the baby seal beating, huh?
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by how its animals are treated." Ghandi
Peace...breathe in, breathe out...

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