Thursday, August 13, 2009

Julie and Julia Day 3

I'm sitting here thinking of going to the vegetarian restaurant, Zephyr, on 4th Street in Long Beach. Maybe that will be an inspiration. Right now I feel a case of blogger's block.

This morning my comic mind has mulled over images of recipes from the 'white trash' cookbook, and tips from the 70's book, "How to Eat Like a Child". Was that where I heard "Always eat your peas with a knife, but roll it in molasses first to keep them from rolling off."?

From there my thoughts moved on to vegan cheeses. Cheese is the hardest thing to make vegan and tasty as well as healthy. I think I may have stumbled onto one: Sheese. The difficulty is that Sheese is made in Scotland, and not readily available here in the U.S. I'll check out Whole Foods later and see.

Why the thoughts of vegan cheese? I want to attempt Amy Adams' favorite Julia Child recipe: baked Brussels sprouts with cheese. Sounds good to me even if many people cringe at the thought of Brussels sprouts. (I personally cringe more at the thought of eating something that once walked or flew.) It seems to me a person could substitute the sprouts for broccoli or any other wonderful veggie...although the cooking times would vary.

Here's a question to ponder: how long was it before that butter Julie left for Julia started melting and running down the shelf and the walls of that exhibit?

I've decided I like Meryl Streep better than Julia Child. Don't think Meryl would be as judgmental about vegetarians and vegans.

I'll get back to you tomorrow on that recipe.

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